Tubular Cartridge Heater


Split Sheat industrial heater is designed especially for molds where the holes are poorly drilled or worn through age. 

Independent expansion of each section of the tubular cartridge heaters when energized, creates intimate contact with the wall of the hole.

These resistances cannot be tested idle. It must be installed and operated in a way to ensure heat transfer.

It is produced according customer's demand. 

Technical Specification  
Sheath Material: Stainless steel 1.4302
Resistance winding wire:  80/20 NiCr 1200°C 
Max. Sheath temperature: 750°C 
Thermocouple Options: J and K
Watt tolerance: ±10%
Cable options: Nickel Cable, Silicone cable, PTFE cable
High voltage test: 1500V
Insulation resistance: ≥ 5 MΩ at 500V 


 Unenergized tubular cartridge heater


  Energized tubular cartridge heater